We're looking back and looking ahead
Endings and beginnings always seem to run together. Today is my last official day on staff with the Maker’s Place (catchup here). I have to tell you, I’m incredibly excited for the new chapter that’s starting, as our new Co-Directors--Callie Crowder and Alyssa Ruch--transition into leadership with the Maker’s Place. Already, I can say with confidence that they’ll do a great job.
Along with planning and sharing with our new leaders, I’ve spent the last month reflecting on my own role in helping to found the Maker’s Place. Three years in, our nonprofit diaper bank now has storerooms filled with diapers and baby supplies, additional staff, an amazing board and volunteer team, and all the other accoutrements of a busy organization.
But has it been a success? After all, as a Christian and a pastor, I remember that Christ does not tell me to build great organizations. Christ tells me to love my neighbor. With that in mind, I’ve been measuring achievements a little differently. In fact, I wrote a little article about it, for The Relay, a publication of the United Methodists of Greater New Jersey. Take a moment to read about “Making the Maker’s Place”. Click below!
I hope you’ll continue to show Alyssa and Callie the same love and support you’ve shown me. Mark your calendars for a December Diaper Drive (Nov. 28-Dec.19, 2021), and please live out the values of abundant community wherever you are. If you’re in the Trenton area and looking for help with diapers, come visit our Diaper Depot. Scroll down to learn how to sign up.
Thanks, and all the best,
Rev. Michael Reed