Can you collect diapers for stressed out families? It might just lower your anxiety levels too!
It's fair to say that we're all a little stressed out. Our nation holds its breath on the eve of a national election, while we're in the midst of a global pandemic. Many of us (myself included) feel anxious and uncertain.
With so much going on, it feels a little strange to ask you to host a diaper drive in your church or community this year. Yet when I think about it, I'm reminded that one of the best antidotes for anxiety is to turn my attention to the best interests of others. Somehow, I feel better when I'm caring for someone else. It's what Jesus is pointing to when he says, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
In a recent survey, we learned that more than 95% of parents in our community worry about having enough diapers. And the vast majority told us that receiving help from our Diaper Depot allowed them to feel less stressed and frustrated as parents.
You might not be able to solve all the world's problems, but you can reduce the stress level for a struggling family. You can show the world that transformation begins and ends with loving our neighbors as ourselves. Will you help us? Take part in our third annual "December Diaper Drive" from Nov. 22-Dec. 20, and make a change for children and families living in poverty.
Sign up today. It doesn't take much to get started. Click the button below to register. Plus, scroll down for creative ways to help in 2020.
Hosting a Collection Drive and COVID-19
Families are struggling due to the coronavirus; our requests for diapers and essential items have increased by 150%. Yet at the same time, COVID-19 makes it harder for churches and other groups to host collection drives. Here are three ways to collect diapers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. Host an In-Person Diaper Drive If your church, school, or workplace is gathering in person, you can encourage people to bring in donations. Consider making a handy "Donation Box" for contactless drop-offs. Use our free toolkit to promote your drive! 2. Host a Virtual Diaper Drive Instead of physically collecting items, you can raise money to purchase diapers and other essential items. Every $0.15 buys one diaper! We even have a GoFundMe page to help you fundraise! 3. Partner with a Local Business, Pediatrician's Office, or School Work with a local business to place a collection bin in your community. This year, McCaffrey's Food Markets will be placing collection bins in four of their stores. These kinds of partnerships are a great way for your church or group to have an on-the-ground presence, even if you're not meeting in person.
Now, more than ever, it's essential for us to love our neighbors and see the well-being of all God's children. Thanks for being part of our extended family, and for sending love our way this November and December!
All the best,
Pastor Michael Reed